
Here are the activities that will stimulate your innovative curiosity!

October 22, 2024
Creating Storyworlds

How do you create a storyworld, that can be used to tell many different stories, works across different medias and platforms, and is scalable? After looking at examples of existing storyworlds, we start building our own.

October 24, 2024
ITU NextGen Breakfast

Join us for an informal community breakfast served at the first floor in the cantina. All you have to do is sign up and then show up!

November 9, 2024
Building green business concepts with AI

Want to get a wildcard to experiment with ChatGPT and Midjourney? - While also working on business models that explore the environmental challenge faced worldwide today? Then this workshop is for you!

November 28, 2024
ITU NextGen Breakfast

Join us for an informal community breakfast served at the first floor in the cantina. All you have to do is sign up and then show up!

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